Олимпиада по английскому языку «Туризм»

«The English Expedition: A Quest for Tourism Terminology»

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1. What do you call a service for carrying people’s luggage to their hotel room?


2. What do you call a person who travels for pleasure?


3. Which term refers to a person who guides tourists, giving them information about places?


4. What is the term for a long journey involving travel by sea or in space?


5. What is the term for a short trip or excursion offered to tourists?


6. What term describes the natural and cultural features that attract travelers?


7. What is the term for a planned trip or route?


8. Which term refers to a journey by a group of people to a place, guided by someone who works for an agency?


9. What do you call the document that grants permission to travel to and enter a country?


10. What do you call a place where tourists stay during their travel?