Олимпиада по английскому языку «Оформление визы»

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1. What is an official permission to work in a foreign country called?


2. How long before your trip should you apply for a visa?


3. Which document is typically necessary to apply for a visa?


4. What do you need to provide to apply for a visa?


5. What type of visa do you need to transit through a country to reach another destination?


6. What is it called when you have permission to stay in a country for a certain amount of time?


7. Which type of visa would a person most likely apply for if they wanted to study abroad?


8. What is a document that allows a person to enter a foreign country called?


9. What is often a requirement before being granted a visa to certain countries?


10. What might you need to show to prove the purpose of your visit when applying for a visa?